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Shayan Tawabi
The Simple Guy Who Loves Marketing, Tech, and Products
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How To Take Control Of Your Life (Know Yourself First) – The Inside Order Podcast S1 E1

Audio Is In Persian – ⬇ English Transcript Below ⬇

The Inside Order Podcast, Season 1 Episode 1: How To Take Control Of Your Life (Know Yourself First)

In this podcast i talk about how we can take control of our life, and make the process of achieving our goals consious. I will write a summary of the podcast here in english.

How To Take Control Of Your Life (Know Yourself First) – English Transcript

You want to grow and make your dreams a reality. Right?

Do you remember the first time that you wanted to achieve a goal? For example, you wanted to get a job that you loved. The process was like this: First somehow (By seeing something, talking about something, looking at someone or a random event happened… ) something happened inside you. That event inspired you to dream about that job; learn about that career and company. And you focused on that goal of getting the job. You focused, learned, and put your head into it until… you finally got the job.

But all that process happened subconsciously. It was not entirely under your control. You have not planned the steps exactly to get that job. Something FIRED UP inside you, you pursued the dream of having that job and got it.

Now, imagine you could do the same process consciously! Imagine you could control the process, set the goal you dreamed about, plan it, focus on it and achieve it. If you had the formula to do that, you could achieve pretty much anything you want. Right?

Well, I want to tell you that you can. And we will talk about exactly how you can do it? Not only achieve what you want but also enjoy yourself in the process and feel happy and successful along the way.

This is not some motivational post! Let me tell you first that you can NOT achieve something that you don’t have strong feelings and passion about. You can NOT think of something and all of a sudden it becomes a reality. But if you have enough passion and enthusiasm about your goals, and you are patient enough, you can achieve them. You absolutely can achieve them!

Let’s get into it.

How to make the process of achieving our goals conscious and get it under control?


Why do you need to know yourself? If you don’t know yourself, your thoughts, your beliefs and what fires you up, your passions, and what makes you upset or angry… You cannot grow in life. These are the variables that we will use in the game of life to win! We will use our thoughts and what we are passionate about to get high and motivated about our goals (more on it later). We will use our focus and effort to learn about our goals and makes strategies to achieve it. And so on.

How To Know Yourself? The key element to start the process of knowing yourself is observation. You need to observe yourself constantly. Every thought, every behavior, every action every emotion, and belief every single day and analyze them – for some time, with patience, to start knowing yourself better. Then you can start using and leveraging this knowledge to your advantage. Remember it is a lifelong process.

Start observing and analyzing. Start the process of knowing ourselves today. And in future posts and podcasts, we will talk about how to set goals, how to achieve goals, how to enjoy yourself, and everything in between.

Have Faith!

Shayan Tawabi
The Simple Guy Who Loves Marketing, Tech, and Products