Shayan's Blog
Shayan Tawabi
The Simple Guy Who Loves Marketing, Tech, and Products
· Less than 1 min read

How To Grow? Predictably.

Every business should grow. If your business does not grow – even if it’s flat – it is in danger of dying; slowly. How you grow your business may be pretty easier than you think!

You must have a formula for your growth.

First, pick your most important KPI. Let’s assume it is “Sales Orders”. Then figure out exactly what needed to be done (In terms of actions and numbers) to increase your Sales Orders. For example, you may figure out, the more Phone Calls you make, the more Customers you talk to, the more Sales Orders you will have as a result. Or the more Traffic you bring to your website, the more Sales Orders you will have. There you have another KPI to measure and act on. Phone Calls… Website Traffic… etc.

You get the idea. The only thing is you need to figure out your KPIs and actions in detail for everyone in your team, and then commit to doing it. If you know that you need to increase your website traffic, then don’t hesitate! Even if you have to pay money for advertising, that money will come back to you. So don’t be afraid to spend money where you know you will get results.

It is that simple. What is your formula for growth?

Have Faith!

Shayan Tawabi
The Simple Guy Who Loves Marketing, Tech, and Products