Do NOT Be A Number!
Do Not Allow Yourself To Be Another Number In A Spreadsheet
KPIs and Goals are a means of keeping track of your progress. To see if you are moving in a right direction or not. To make sure you are setting the right priorities. To have an aim to shoot for and to not waste your arrows!
Everybody needs a Goal. Measurable one.
But they are not your religion! If it happens (and it will happen) that you don’t hit one or two of them in a month, that does not mean you suck! That does not allow you or anybody else to diminish your skills and your worth. You already know that you gave it your best and not everything was under your control in the first place.
Do not NEVER beat yourself up or let anyone else diminish your skills and your self confidence because of a fucking number in a spreadsheet!
Simply sit down and review the situation…
- Why you did not hit your goal?
- Was it under your control?
- Did you gave it your best?
- What went wrong?
- What you can do about it?
Define your plan for the next month and go execute. Never even look back again!
Never allow yourself to be a number in a spreadsheet. Or worst never even allow someone else to look at you as another number in their spreadsheet. Because numbers always change! You are a human. A number is just a number and it has it’s uses. Not more than that.
Have Faith!